Sonntag, 14. März 2021

Chapter XIII: Letter from the Mad Hatter


Jay sat down as he read the letter:

Dear artist,
i am so thankfull you found the special hat for the queen. She will be surprised and calmed down now and i hope Alice can go back to her home now, like you. Leave the hat next to the mirror and go through it, you will be home. I hope to be able to invite you to the next tea party again. But now i am so tired. I did not sleep since a long long time.
Mad Hatter

Jay put the letter in his pocket looked around the room and saw the sleeping, snorring Mad Hatter in his bed, a smile on his face. 'So, that was it', Jay thought. 'I finished it.' He looked at his drawings and the pen, still not sure if this all was real. He stood up and went through the mirror, which lead him back home. With a smile and a warm feeling around his heart he was hoping one day to go back to join them all for a tea and a cake.......

(find the portal, which leads you back to the artists home. Thank you so much for following our storybook-adventure. I hope you enjoyed it and you will visit Neverending soon again. Best wishes to you)

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