Ping Pong invited Jay to eat with him at the Celestial Cafe. It was said that the cafe once belonged to a high-ranking officer of the Imperial court. An astrologer who was famous throughout Sakura Tales; his talents landing him a job as the Emperor's advisor.
The artist looked around at all the culinary dishes of the Mandalans, astounded by how delicious the meals looked and tasted. Jay sat down and began to take a few bites of the meals offered to him, realising that he was hungry after his long and winding journey.
After his meal, Jay walked around and found an old looking chair, where he decided to sit and relax, watching over the expanse of the ocean, and growing quite fond of this place. Grabbing his pen and paper, with his thoughts floating around in his head as he looked out to sea, he began to draw again.
(sit on the chair, look around and maybe you find the paper and pen. Byclicking it chapter 6 appear)
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