Dienstag, 25. Januar 2022

Magic Winterwonderland - Chapter 3


Paper and Pen: 

As the artist lay on his bed his eyes gazing around and he sudden noticed his magical pen and paper. ´Oh i didn´t drew with it a long time´, he thought, moved up and took his paper and pen. Thinking on his stories and adventures he went through in the past, a tear dropped down his face. He misses his phoenix very bad. And while he thought on the bird he drew the phoenix on his paper. As soon as he finished he looked up and deep in the fire eyes of his beloved phoenix.

(Click the phoenix for what happens next.)




The phoenix smoothes the artists face, missed him too, blinking with his fire eyes at him. With a wink he showed the artist, that he has to move up and follow him. He seems very excited, like something happened........Something bad? Something scary? The artist grabbed his paper and pen and followed the phoenix through the outside, as a similar voice appears: ´ Come here and i will share my waterpipe with you, human!´

Can you remember whose voice this is? A little hint: Someone Jay met in his first story and smoking a waterpipe. Go find the one with the waterpipe and click him.


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