Dienstag, 25. Januar 2022

Magic Winterwonderland - Chapter 8


Castle door:

castle door:  `Who is there?´, the card man shouted at the artist as he fell in the portal and landed in front of the red card man. Jay cleared his throat ´I am the right royal, let me in!´, he tried to say this in a serious and leading voice. The cardman started laughing. ´The only royal here is our ice queen! Quick man, leave or i will put you in the tower in jail.´ ´We will see´, Jay smirked, put out his paper and pen and starts to draw again.....

He disappeared! The cardman was shocked but then he acted like he didn´t see anything, he didn´t want to let that know the queen or he will be a snowman.

The artist sneaked in the castle and find himself in a big abandoned room with a huge piano in it.

(Find the piano, and the right clef, it will show you where the artist went next)



Clef: Jay sat on the piano, playing his favourite song while he thinks how to free the people from the ice queen and who she even is? A loud roar appears and the castle shutters from it. ´Uh, what was this?´ The phoenix flew around the artist making him hurry up. Jay took his paper and pen, thinking of what the roar could be and he drew something, before he put it back in his pocket. `Oh, oh lost artist, you sure it was good to draw this?´

(Go explore the castle, watch out! Its like a labyrinth you could get lost in it. Find the similar cute fur with big grin and eyes.)

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