Samstag, 31. Dezember 2022

Neverending - book 9 - Touch and Fall - Pen and Paper

Paper and Pen: Can you remember the last story of the Artist? After he has met the Strangers at 'The Lost World' his phoenix made him travel to his inner soul - the madness of yin and yang, to find himself and learn each soul has dark and light spots and to live with them and find his inner peace was successful.


Now his phoenix guided him to another story of his life. And while he set up his home in his trailer, his mind start to flow again. Grabbing his pen and paper and the new theme started to grow around him - Touch and Fall.....


Search for a small fabric, a similar mystical item from past stories are in there. It is a portal... find it and follow the portal.

hint: you can look into it

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