Sonntag, 28. April 2024

Neverending - book 10 - The Christmas Story - Chapter 18


Tim opend the door of the lift station and it was dark inside only the whisper he could hear. He used his flashlight, looking around slowly, exploring each edge as suddenly the lantern lit up and the third ghost appeared in front of him. He froze, stared at the ghost, but already knowing what was awaiting him…


I was born in the womb of nature,

In embers I take new shape.

Criminals, monasteries, incurable gates,

And treasures are in my power;

But I must do the will of the Lord,

Spiritless and ever idle am I;

But I let the feathers jump innumerable,

And thousands put their trust in me.

I regulate minutes and hours only quietly.

My sight quenches the conqueror's rage.

Only I suffice in the circle of ideas,

Even the most intricate I make good.

Even this riddle is without sense,

If I am not found before.


Hint: look around in the darkness, use your flashlight, do you find what we are looking for? If you have it, move to the cabin and use it.


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